Blog Archives

Tips and tricks about moving to the downtown Chicago neighborhoods. What you should know before signing a long-term lease or purchasing a condominium.

Downtown Chicago Apartments Near Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago)

You are a healthcare / medical professional under the employ of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago aka RIC), but you’re new to downtown Chicago. Where should you live? Moving to a brand new city can be

Posted in Advice on Rentals, Gold Coast Neighborhood, Healthcare Professionals, Lakeshore East Neighborhood, River North Neighborhood, Streeterville Neighborhood, Tips and Tricks

Apartments for Northwestern Memorial Hospital Residents

Where should a Northwestern Memorial Hospital resident live? Here’s the short answer. You have just been accepted as a resident at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Among other things, you need to find an apartment which is convenient, relatively affordable and not

Posted in Advice on Rentals, Healthcare Professionals, Streeterville Neighborhood, Tips and Tricks Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Downtown Chicago Apartments Near Northwestern Memorial Hospital

You are a healthcare / medical professional under the employ of Northwestern Memorial Hospital, but you’re new to downtown Chicago. Where should you live? Moving to a brand new city can be tough, especially if this brand new city is

Posted in Healthcare Professionals, River North Neighborhood, Streeterville Neighborhood, Tips and Tricks Tagged with: , , , , , ,